Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
The Truth about the Health Benefits of Chocolate
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The Truth about the Health Benefits of Chocolate
Many people are wondering why a chocolate gift box is a good to offer because what most of us don't know are the health benefits of chocolate. Certain kinds of chocolate are apparently good for us according to the doctors at the Cleveland Clinic as longs as it's eaten in moderation. Some forms of chocolate do contain a high level of chemicals called flavanol. There is a healthy amount of scientific research done to indicate that flavanols can lower blood pressure and cholesterol and improve blood circulation. Flavanol is also an antioxidant which can help the body's cells resist damage from free radicals.
The Truth about Chocolate's Healing Power
Chocolate can be good for health, but the problem is that many processed chocolates such as chocolate bars and candies often found in a chocolate gift box don't contain enough flavanols to do any good, indicated an article on the Cleveland Clinic's website.
The processes used to make commercial chocolate apparently take the flavanols or flavonoids out of the cocoa from which chocolate is made.Related CoverageMany people are wondering why a chocolate gift box is a good to offer because what most of us don\"��t know are the health benefits of chocolate. Certain kinds of chocolate are apparently good for us according to the doctors...The Benefits and Troubles in Eating Chocolate Diabetes, obesity, dental caries rottenness seem inextricably linked with the chocolate. But the experts` latest research uncovered several truthes about the connection between chocolate and health, and the results told us that you do not need to worry about it so much like before, because that is unwanted. In fact, various researches show that chocolate is the nutrition food, good for health.chocolate mousse Unless you live in a cave, you have probably heard about a bacterium called Salmonella. If ingested, this tiny organism can cause severe gastrointestinal sickness and even death. Unfortunately, raw eggs are one of the culprits in cases of Salmonella poisoning, to such a degree that the FDA has described \"egg-associated illness caused by salmonella\" as a \"serious health problem.\"Looking Into Some Interesting Facts About Chocolate Did you know that eating chocolate might be healthy? Well, the health benefit portion is just one of the interesting facts you'll find here. Mr. Hershey sure knew what he was doing when he put up his factory but I wonder if even he knew what a phenomenon this confection would become.So if you want make your girlfriend or wife healthier and allow her to experience the health benefits of chocolate, you should probably add dark organic chocolate in the chocolate gift box next time. The Cleveland Clinic recommends to avoid purchasing a chocolate gift box that contains Chocolate that has undergone Dutch processing since Dutch processed chocolate is treated with alkali which removes the flavonoids.
Organic or Commercial Chocolate
The best way to get the health benefits of chocolate is to consume a dark organic chocolate. There are organic chocolate bars that contain a high number of flavonoids mostly and that are available at health food stores and some supermarkets.
People who are concerned about their health should probably avoid most of the popular commercial chocolate candies because they are made from milk chocolate. The Cleveland Clinic also reported that commercial milk chocolate found in the average chocolate gift box simply doesn't contain enough of the flavanols to do any good.
That could soon change because chocolate manufacturers are becoming aware of their product's potential health benefits. The clinic's study shows that a number of chocolate companies are trying to develop healthier chocolate bars and candies that are rich in flavanoids. This means that it should soon be possible to buy healthy chocolate from anywhere.
Chocolate and Fat
The really good news about organic chocolate fat is that it contains large amounts of stearic and palmitic acids – the good substances found in olive oil. Doctors believe that these substances neutralize the cholesterol in chocolate. However, even though chocolate may not be extremely fattening, people should still be careful about what they buy because many chocolate products contain other fattening ingredients such as marshmallows.
The best product to buy and eat is the dark organic chocolate with limited consumption to a few ounces a week. According to the Cleveland Clinic, a chocolate gift box containing small pieces of dark chocolates will be an appropriate gift for a person who is concerned about his/her health.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Wine and Chocolate Pairing Class | Exotic Chocolate Tasting
Two beautiful concepts wedded to create gustatory bliss!
Perfect for foodies that want something new, or for anyone who wants to enhance their appreciation of wine and chocolate while having fun! Learn how to identify the complimentary flavors of wine and chocolate using all the senses and discover a fun new way to enjoy your favorite pleasures.
Each wine bar, winery or restaurant will be a different experience. There are endless matches that excite the palate. We do the hard work finding the pairing that will compliment…you enjoy!
Schedule of events are listed on the right or contact Roxanne if you want to host your own in the NY area.
PODCAST: Listen to Roxanne on famed Chef Tom Schaudel’s Radio Show “Playing with Fire” aired Sept. 25, 2010 talking with Tom about chocolate & wine.
Wine and Chocolate Pairing Class | Exotic Chocolate Tasting
Podcast: Listen to Roxanne on famed Chef Tom Schaudel’s Radio Show “Playing with Fire” aired Sept. 25, 2010 talking with Tom about chocolate & wine.
Monday, September 13, 2010
A Sip of Bubbles, A Taste of Hope: A Sweet Night... - Eventbrite
Since 1993, nearly 5 million walkers across the country have raised more than $340 million through Making Strides events to help fight breast cancer. Last year alone, dedicated supporters like you raised more than $60 million nationwide to help the American Cancer Society continue fighting breast cancer and offer hope to people facing the disease.
So, how does the money you raise help fight breast cancer? Funds you raise through Making Strides help the American Cancer Society save lives in many ways.
With your support, we can end breast cancer once and for all.
Funding Groundbreaking Discoveries into Cancer’s Causes and Cures
Thanks to people like you, we’ve invested more in cancer research over time than any other voluntary public health organization. As the nation’s largest source of private, nonprofit cancer research funds, the American Cancer Society has distributed more than $3.3 billion to researchers since 1946. We take pride in funding promising researchers early in their careers, and our track record is something we share with pride. Of the researchers chosen for Society funding throughout the years, 42 have gone on to win the Nobel Prize. In fact, the Society invests more in breast cancer research than any other tumor site. Your support has allowed the American Cancer Society to be involved in nearly every major breast cancer research breakthrough of the last century, including:
- Funding research into breast-conserving surgery, using lumpectomy plus radiation for treatment
- Establishing mammography as the gold standard to find breast cancer early
- Discovering lifesaving treatments (such as Herceptin) to improve breast cancer survival and drugs (such as Tamoxifen) to reduce the risk of second or first breast cancer
- Discovering genes for inherited breast and colon cancer
- Knowledge that genetics, diet, lack of exercise, and alcohol abuse can increase a person's cancer risk
- Discovering cancer-causing oncogenes and tumor-suppressor genes
While the Society spends more on breast cancer than on any other solid tumor site, many of the research grants we support may have relevance to many kinds of cancers. Currently, breast cancer research projects are underway at institutions across the country, thanks in large part to the funds raised by Making Strides Against Breast Cancer participants. With your continued help, we can fund more critical research projects one of which could result in a breakthrough that would lead to fewer diagnoses and lower the number of deaths from breast cancer each year.
News on Exotic Chocolate Tasting | Exotic Chocolate Tasting
Northport’s Former Mayor Says Nothing Follows Politics Better Than Wine & Chocolate
Roxanne has always been a woman who follows her passions. She worked in advertising and then in politics as Northport’s mayor for ten years. She enjoyed the positive role she played in improving the environment and quality of life for her neighbors in a town that she loves. She then went out in search of another rewarding profession and that is when she stumbled upon the world of chocolate…read the full article
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
Raw Chocolate And Organic Cacao Nibs For Your Health | Food and Drink | A Thing Worth Knowing
Chocolate has been generally affiliated with delicious and hot drinks, as well as the dreaded subject – fattening. Unknown to most, chocolates are not naturally fattening as they have highly effective antioxidants. The fattening agents usually come from the materials mixed with chocolate during their manufacturing process. cacao nib or raw chocolate on the other hand are the 100 % pure varieties, which suggest that they still come with all of the all-natural vitamins and minerals.
Cacao Nibs, also known as Cacao, is actually a fruit. You may find it strange that the taste of cacao in its unprocessed, pure form is actually rather different from what you may be used to. Natural chocolate is not really sweet; it’s genuinely very bitter which might at first turn you off.
A person do not even have to take huge quantities to start benefitting from natural chocolates,just one cacao nib a day will do. Alright, so what do you seriously get from consuming raw cacao beans or raw chocolate nibs? In order to offer you an understanding of all the rewards that you can anticipate, here are some that have been examined and confirmed by research:
Antioxidants: cacao beans come highly loaded with antioxidants which have been confirmed to reduce the method of aging as well as assist the entire body eradicate unwanted damaging chemical substances and waste materials. In reality, the vitamin antioxidants fraction present in chocolate is found out to be one of the best. This makes it two times as valuable in breaking downpoisons in the entire body, which many may already know, can cause cancer.
Flavanols: Study has also discovered that natural chocolates include substantial ranges of flavanols which is a chemical responsible for managing and cleaning bloodstream. The flavanols discovered in chocolates are in fact so focused that they have been found to be very powerful in blocking cardiovascular system diseases and can even help men and women that are already dealing with the problem.
Sulfur: The common Cacao beans has likewise been recognized to consist of sulfur in large percentages which is responsible for promoting healthy and radiant looking skin as well as help build healthy nails and hair. Aside from these visible rewards, sulfur has recently been observed to be useful in relieving the liver as well as aid in optimizing pancreas function.
Improved level of responsiveness to blood insulin: Those people who ingest cacao nibs day-to-day has furthermore been found to be much more sensitive to blood insulin helping to make them less susceptible to blood glucose problems such as diabetes mellitus. This is a fantastic method to enjoy chocolate devoid of all the processed sugar.
Aside from all of the benefits that was described above, there are other benefits that raw chocolate nibs can offer. So what are you hanging around for? Find out more about preparing cacao nibs and natural chocolate. As bitter as they might be, you can appreciate eating it if it’s prepared correctly. Remember, the closer the chocolate is to its raw, unprocessed form, the healthier it will possibly be for you.
-->Tagged as: cacao nibs, chocolate, raw chocolate, raw chocolate nibs, raw organic chocolate
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
The Eco-Chic Expo on May 1 helps you go green in style
If you feel like it might be time to amp up your support of Seattle's sustainable community, it's as easy as attending the free Eco-Chic Expo on Saturday, May 1, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center.
Organized by three friends, moms and green-business owners -- Tracy Oklander Anderson (Tread Light Gifts), Sarah Bell ( and Jennifer Porter (Satsuma Designs) -- the Eco-Chic Expo is meant to "share with the community that a greener lifestyle can be easy, fun, even fashionable," explains Oklander Anderson.
More than 15 local companies will be on hand selling their eco-friendly wares and sharing tips on how to go green. Demonstrations include how to make organic paper and non-toxic cleaning products. Greenlake's Sugar Sugar salon is offering complimentary lip and brow sugaring. And, an online marketplace for gently used kids' clothing and gear, will host tables filled with $2, $5 and $10 items for "bring-an-item/take-an-item" honor-system exchanges.
Vendor booths include earth-friendly kitchen accessories from A Greener Kitchen, reusable fabric sandwich bags from ReUsies, sustainable wood jewelry from Thinknow, chocolate-based organic skin care from Sweet Beauty and organic chocolate to eat from Theo.
You can also learn about organic produce from Full Circle Farm and sustainable style from the Sustainable Style Foundation and meet The Seattle Times's EcoConsumer, Tom Watson, who is also project manager for King County's Recycling and Environmental Sciences Department.
Jello Mold Farm will be selling locally and sustainably grown, chemical fertilizer-free flowers and Dante's Inferno Dogs will be preparing an Eco-Chic Expo exclusive all-natural "Eco-Dog," with a portion of all sales donated to the Ballard Boys and Girls Club and other parks organizations.
New vendors and speakers are still being added, so check the Eco-Chic Expo blog for updates.
If you have a shop, sale, event or great product tip you'd like to share, e-mail Follow us on Twitter for the latest local sales, great deals and noteworthy products, designers and stores.
Copyright © The Seattle Times Company
Saturday, April 17, 2010
April 17th – International Day of Peasants’ Struggles
April 17th – International Day of Peasants’ Struggles
April 17, 2010 by Phyllis Robinson
We received the following letter yesterday from our friends and colleagues at Grassroots International, an organization dedicated to furthering economic, social and human rights by funding global movements for social change. Please take a moment to read the letter and take action now.
Dear Friends,
As early as next week, the US Senate could vote on legislation with tremendous consequences for farmers and small producers across the globe. The Lugar-Casey Global Food Security Act, also known as S. 384, aims to increase US foreign assistance for agricultural research and production and represents the biggest US agricultural aid initiative in more than half a century.
Please take action now to tell your Senator to oppose this legislation until the ‘GE Clause’ is removed.As a result, the legislation directs $7.7 billion toward agricultural research and development, including a federal requirement that U.S. taxpayers pick up the tab for GE crop research.
Contact your Senators now and tell them ‘No GE crops in foreign aid.’However, this ostensibly laudable effort is deeply flawed by a clause which specifically mandates research on genetically engineered (GE) crops.
Although Senator Lugar has responded to critics of the GE Clause that the language was meant to simply highlight GE research as eligible for funding, not mandate it, the actual text of the bill says otherwise and must be revised before its passage in Congress.
Public records indicate that agricultural biotechnology giants like Monsanto have spent millions of dollars lobbying members of Congress to shape S. 384.
The push for this critical Senate vote coincides with International Day of Peasants’ Struggles, April 17th. Fourteen years ago, this day was declared by Grassroots International’s partner the Via Campesina to commemorate the slaughter of 19 members of Brazil’s Landless Workers Movement by military police. To honor peasants’ struggles this year, the Via Campesina has called on member organizations and supporters to say “No to corporate control of agriculture and food.” Moreover, scientists who have examined the evidence around the globe agree: GE crops are not the answer to world hunger. Recent UN reports point to agroecological methods, like those promoted by Via Campesina, as a much more viable solution to sustainably meeting the world’s food production needs.Take a stand for food sovereignty today by telling your Senators to oppose the Global Food Security Act’s mandate for GE research.
If passed, the Global Food Security Act will not only massively expand US funding for GE technology, it will also serve to further consolidate corporate control of food systems and undermine food sovereignty.
Thank you for all that you do.
Nikhil Aziz
Executive DirectorPosted in Uncategorized | Tagged GE foods, International Day of Peasants' Struggles, Lugar-Casey Global Food Security Act, Via Campesina | No Comments Yet
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April 17th – International Day of Peasants’ Struggles
April 17th – International Day of Peasants’ Struggles
April 17, 2010 by Phyllis Robinson
We received the following letter yesterday from our friends and colleagues at Grassroots International, an organization dedicated to furthering economic, social and human rights by funding global movements for social change. Please take a moment to read the letter and take action now.
Dear Friends,
As early as next week, the US Senate could vote on legislation with tremendous consequences for farmers and small producers across the globe. The Lugar-Casey Global Food Security Act, also known as S. 384, aims to increase US foreign assistance for agricultural research and production and represents the biggest US agricultural aid initiative in more than half a century.
Please take action now to tell your Senator to oppose this legislation until the ‘GE Clause’ is removed.As a result, the legislation directs $7.7 billion toward agricultural research and development, including a federal requirement that U.S. taxpayers pick up the tab for GE crop research.
Contact your Senators now and tell them ‘No GE crops in foreign aid.’However, this ostensibly laudable effort is deeply flawed by a clause which specifically mandates research on genetically engineered (GE) crops.
Although Senator Lugar has responded to critics of the GE Clause that the language was meant to simply highlight GE research as eligible for funding, not mandate it, the actual text of the bill says otherwise and must be revised before its passage in Congress.
Public records indicate that agricultural biotechnology giants like Monsanto have spent millions of dollars lobbying members of Congress to shape S. 384.
The push for this critical Senate vote coincides with International Day of Peasants’ Struggles, April 17th. Fourteen years ago, this day was declared by Grassroots International’s partner the Via Campesina to commemorate the slaughter of 19 members of Brazil’s Landless Workers Movement by military police. To honor peasants’ struggles this year, the Via Campesina has called on member organizations and supporters to say “No to corporate control of agriculture and food.” Moreover, scientists who have examined the evidence around the globe agree: GE crops are not the answer to world hunger. Recent UN reports point to agroecological methods, like those promoted by Via Campesina, as a much more viable solution to sustainably meeting the world’s food production needs.Take a stand for food sovereignty today by telling your Senators to oppose the Global Food Security Act’s mandate for GE research.
If passed, the Global Food Security Act will not only massively expand US funding for GE technology, it will also serve to further consolidate corporate control of food systems and undermine food sovereignty.
Thank you for all that you do.
Nikhil Aziz
Executive DirectorPosted in Uncategorized | Tagged GE foods, International Day of Peasants' Struggles, Lugar-Casey Global Food Security Act, Via Campesina | No Comments Yet
Leave a Reply
Monday, April 5, 2010
Mark Allen Discusses World Championships, Winning and Chocolate ...
Shaman Organic Chocolate-First Native American to produce Fair Trade Chocolate
Should You Buy Organic Chocolate?
Most of us love our chocolate. But did you know there are significant differences between the supermarket varieties, and certified organic product. Commercial interests try to dupe us into believing their product is the real thing, when it left that blissful state long ago on the way to the Supermarket.
Fair Trade
When it comes to chocolate, most of us are aware that when Europeans first took this fruit to Africa, there was child slave labor involved in Cocoa production. These days many farmers use their children to help them take care of their farms, but unfortunately unscrupulous chocolate companies such as Nestle and Hersheys, are more interested in short term profits, than the welfare of African children!
Recently Cadbury announced that they are switching over to Fair Trade Chocolate after intense lobbying from consumer and green groups. Most organic chocolate, on the other hand, is certified free trade. Those wanting a clear conscience when eating chocolate will wish to make sure their favourite brand is fair trade certified!
Pesticides and Toxins
Chocolate in its raw form has been shown to have relatively low levels of toxins such as lead. Unfortunately, this is not the case after processing. Here is the result of one study.
"What's interesting is that cocoa beans tested had an average lead concentration of
"In fact, a team of American and Nigerian researchers found that lead levels in raw cocoa beans were 60 times lower than lead levels observed in processed chocolate products, the Chicago Tribune reports".
Chocolate absorbs everything from its environment. That means that toxic substance used in manufacture are going to get into the chocolate! Certified Organic Chocolate comes from areas where pesticides are not used. It may still have residues, but they are generally much lower. Organic chocolate is generally not processed using chemicals, often a larger source of contamination than those in the growing environment.
When selecting an organic chocolate, make sure they are not using refined sugar in the production. Commercial chocolates have quite a few additives.
Here is the list from Cadbury dark Chocolate. Sugar, Cocoa Mass, Cocoa Butter, Milk Solids, Emulsifiers (Soya lecithin, 476), Flavour. May contain traces of Nuts. Dark Chocolate contains Cocoa solids 45%.
Unfortunately, with no certified foods, including chocolate, there is no requirement to list pesticides, herbicides, lead or other heavy metals in the product. Even the ingredients listed can come from many sources, and may be very detrimental to human health. Omission is a common practice amongst food giants to avoid scrutiny!
When all is said and done, Organic Chocolate is a better alternate to Commercial varieties. It does cost more and Dagoba sell a 56.7 gram square for $6.95 a piece.
Organic chocolate has many advantages, particularly if it is cold pressed and may retain much of the antioxidant and other nutrient value of the raw cocoa bean.
Should You Buy Organic Chocolate?
Most of us love our chocolate. But did you know there are significant differences between the supermarket varieties, and certified organic product. Commercial interests try to dupe us into believing their product is the real thing, when it left that blissful state long ago on the way to the Supermarket.
Fair Trade
When it comes to chocolate, most of us are aware that when Europeans first took this fruit to Africa, there was child slave labor involved in Cocoa production. These days many farmers use their children to help them take care of their farms, but unfortunately unscrupulous chocolate companies such as Nestle and Hersheys, are more interested in short term profits, than the welfare of African children!
Recently Cadbury announced that they are switching over to Fair Trade Chocolate after intense lobbying from consumer and green groups. Most organic chocolate, on the other hand, is certified free trade. Those wanting a clear conscience when eating chocolate will wish to make sure their favourite brand is fair trade certified!
Pesticides and Toxins
Chocolate in its raw form has been shown to have relatively low levels of toxins such as lead. Unfortunately, this is not the case after processing. Here is the result of one study.
"What's interesting is that cocoa beans tested had an average lead concentration of
"In fact, a team of American and Nigerian researchers found that lead levels in raw cocoa beans were 60 times lower than lead levels observed in processed chocolate products, the Chicago Tribune reports".
Chocolate absorbs everything from its environment. That means that toxic substance used in manufacture are going to get into the chocolate! Certified Organic Chocolate comes from areas where pesticides are not used. It may still have residues, but they are generally much lower. Organic chocolate is generally not processed using chemicals, often a larger source of contamination than those in the growing environment.
When selecting an organic chocolate, make sure they are not using refined sugar in the production. Commercial chocolates have quite a few additives.
Here is the list from Cadbury dark Chocolate. Sugar, Cocoa Mass, Cocoa Butter, Milk Solids, Emulsifiers (Soya lecithin, 476), Flavour. May contain traces of Nuts. Dark Chocolate contains Cocoa solids 45%.
Unfortunately, with no certified foods, including chocolate, there is no requirement to list pesticides, herbicides, lead or other heavy metals in the product. Even the ingredients listed can come from many sources, and may be very detrimental to human health. Omission is a common practice amongst food giants to avoid scrutiny!
When all is said and done, Organic Chocolate is a better alternate to Commercial varieties. It does cost more and Dagoba sell a 56.7 gram square for $6.95 a piece.
Organic chocolate has many advantages, particularly if it is cold pressed and may retain much of the antioxidant and other nutrient value of the raw cocoa bean.
Mark Allen Discusses World Championships, Winning and Chocolate ...
Shaman Organic Chocolate-First Native American to produce Fair Trade Chocolate
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Daily chocolate may keep the heart doctor away -
Chocolate was never bad for you it was the spin that it was given. I have savored organic dark chocolate for decades, a small piece after lunch and dinner gives me my daily good fat. One of 5 good fats (MUFA) that we should eat daily, full of antioxidants, magnesium, and many other nutrients and keeps the weight off by not wanting cakes or cookies. To reap the benefits, it has to be of a good quality, read the label, no artificial ingredients and pure chocolate. This is nothing new to those that are into alternative health, just the mainstream is now catching on. I'm 54 and fit as a 20 yr old, go to the gym 3x a week, eat a Mediterranean diet and do not eat anything that is made with chemicals or processed foods. I may be the exception to a typical American, but I'm healthy.
Maybe next they will discover that we have known for years, the whole egg is good for you and fluoride is poison!Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Wine and Chocolate Pairing Class
This video shows people having a good time with wine & chocolate, how can you go wrong!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Exotic Chocolate Tasting Kits
Do-it-yourself chocolate tasting kits for your home or office indulgence. Chocolate is no longer a guilty pleasure…just pure joy, good for you and a mood booster. All bars are full size, made by American Artisan Chocolatiers of organic, Fair trade chocolate and bean-to-bar from far away places we dream to visit. The three collections are a distinct variety of flavors and nuances that will awaken the taste buds and excite the mind. Using all the senses you and your guests will become chocolate aficionados and experience a truly memorable event.
Included in the Exotic chocolate Tasting kits:
- Chocolate tasting place mats for rating; describe the aromas, textures and flavors.
- A guide for the host for palate cleansers and settings.
- A handout on the chocolate health benefits-adds to a guilt free evening!
Plantation Sensation – 4 bars serves up to 12 guests
Perfect for a romantic affair for two with plenty left for another day or share with party guests to top off a night of fun. Single-origins, blends and fusion bars.
$35 + shippingFruit of the Rainforests – 6 bars serves up to 18 guests
For the serious foodies, experience blissful ecstasy with this full range of chocolates from six countries. Single-origins, blends, raw and fusion bars.
$49 + shippingLove match – chocolates made for wine – each half-pound bar serves 20-30 guests
This collection of wine specific chocolates originates from Ghana, Africa. Each bar matches up the wines for you that take the guess work out of wine and chocolate paring. Milk, medium, and extra dark chocolates.
$45 + shippingClick on the Products Page for more details and to order
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Top 14 Superfoods | Blue Ocean
I remember when I was young DC’s Justice League was then called super friends. They were all there, Superman, Batman, aquaman, wonder woman, hawkman and the others whose names I have forgotten. I had grown up knowing that those things are not real, a product of our imagination. And then now, I got to stumble on these highly nutritious foods, and they call it super foods. And man are they are real. And I would like if possible to share all the 14 super foods I know to you. Are you ready? Yes, you are.
Super foods are foods that contain a lot of nutrients, vitamin and minerals. They are raw which means they are uncooked, and they are organic which means that no pesticides or other chemicals have touch while growing them. One of the best super foods is sacred chocolate. This super food was the Bronze medal winner at the 2007 International San Francisco chocolates Salon for best organic chocolate. Then the three super foods coming from cacao, Raw cacao nibs, raw cacao powder and Fruity cacao. All of them bringing nature’s life force as it was suppose to be. Another super food made of powder is raw maca powder. Raw maca powder increase libido.
Then there are the berries. Golden Inca berries are one of the lost crop of the Incas. They are not only loaded with nutrients they also taste good. There is also tibetan goji berries, the most powerful probiotic in the world.
The superfoods that come from our seas and oceans, Marine phytoplankton and blue green algae. Marine phytoplankton is considered to be the greatest superfood on earth because of its healthy benefits. While blue-green algae is a protein powerhouse and the world’s most concentrated source of chlorophyll. Blue-green algae helps remove heavy metals and other pollutants.
Other super foods would be revitaPhi, immune Detox,island fire, colloidal gold and cordyceps. revitaphi is all about alkaline greens that was created in by Dr. Jameth Sheridan and divine intelligence.Immune detox is considered to be the most potent superfood detoxifier of heavy metals on the planet. ImmuneDetox has micronized zeolite and fulvic acid. It also has over 72 ocean and plant based trace minerals.
Island fire has combined Tahitian Noni, ginger, Hawaiian Turmeric, Cayenne, lemon, apple cider vinegar and trace minerals all in one drink. Island Fire is one modern tonic elixir.
Colloidal gold is the raw organic superfood that uses microclusters of 99.99% of pure gold that has been suspended in distilled revitalized water. It has converted gold into a superfood that people like us can benefit from.
Lastly the raw organic superfood cordyceps. It is known as the Chinese longevity mushroom. Cordyceps was the superfood that was used by the 1993 Chinese national team which set 9 new world records.
That is all 14 of them and they are all real. Have a super day!
Author: Paul S Fitzgerald
Top 14 Superfoods | Blue Ocean
I remember when I was young DC’s Justice League was then called super friends. They were all there, Superman, Batman, aquaman, wonder woman, hawkman and the others whose names I have forgotten. I had grown up knowing that those things are not real, a product of our imagination. And then now, I got to stumble on these highly nutritious foods, and they call it super foods. And man are they are real. And I would like if possible to share all the 14 super foods I know to you. Are you ready? Yes, you are.
Super foods are foods that contain a lot of nutrients, vitamin and minerals. They are raw which means they are uncooked, and they are organic which means that no pesticides or other chemicals have touch while growing them. One of the best super foods is sacred chocolate. This super food was the Bronze medal winner at the 2007 International San Francisco chocolates Salon for best organic chocolate. Then the three super foods coming from cacao, Raw cacao nibs, raw cacao powder and Fruity cacao. All of them bringing nature’s life force as it was suppose to be. Another super food made of powder is raw maca powder. Raw maca powder increase libido.
Then there are the berries. Golden Inca berries are one of the lost crop of the Incas. They are not only loaded with nutrients they also taste good. There is also tibetan goji berries, the most powerful probiotic in the world.
The superfoods that come from our seas and oceans, Marine phytoplankton and blue green algae. Marine phytoplankton is considered to be the greatest superfood on earth because of its healthy benefits. While blue-green algae is a protein powerhouse and the world’s most concentrated source of chlorophyll. Blue-green algae helps remove heavy metals and other pollutants.
Other super foods would be revitaPhi, immune Detox,island fire, colloidal gold and cordyceps. revitaphi is all about alkaline greens that was created in by Dr. Jameth Sheridan and divine intelligence.Immune detox is considered to be the most potent superfood detoxifier of heavy metals on the planet. ImmuneDetox has micronized zeolite and fulvic acid. It also has over 72 ocean and plant based trace minerals.
Island fire has combined Tahitian Noni, ginger, Hawaiian Turmeric, Cayenne, lemon, apple cider vinegar and trace minerals all in one drink. Island Fire is one modern tonic elixir.
Colloidal gold is the raw organic superfood that uses microclusters of 99.99% of pure gold that has been suspended in distilled revitalized water. It has converted gold into a superfood that people like us can benefit from.
Lastly the raw organic superfood cordyceps. It is known as the Chinese longevity mushroom. Cordyceps was the superfood that was used by the 1993 Chinese national team which set 9 new world records.
That is all 14 of them and they are all real. Have a super day!
Author: Paul S Fitzgerald
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Easy Living Blog: Beer and Chocolate… a friendship is forged!
The Tasting Menu
Strawberries dipped in white chocolate served with Kasteel Cru
(£1.89, from selected Morrison’s stores)Orange sponge cake with a white chocolate topping served with Blue Moon
(From £1.99 in selected Sainsbury’s stores)Bounty dark chocolate served with Duvel 8.5% ale
(From £1.67 in major supermarkets & off licences)Green and Blacks dark chocolate served with Bacchus (cherry fruit beer)
(£2.41 in Sainsbury’s)
Alcohol is so often paired with food because of its flavour enhancing qualities but the complex tastes and aromas of chocolate can make it a tricky one to match and this is where beer comes into its own. So next time you have a ‘moment on the lips’ I’d recommend you go the whole hog and pour yourself a refreshing pint!
We also tried our hand at making our own beer chocolate truffles but true to form I ended up eating most of the raw mixture and making a bit of a mess!
Easy Living Blog: Beer and Chocolate… a friendship is forged!
The Tasting Menu
Strawberries dipped in white chocolate served with Kasteel Cru
(£1.89, from selected Morrison’s stores)Orange sponge cake with a white chocolate topping served with Blue Moon
(From £1.99 in selected Sainsbury’s stores)Bounty dark chocolate served with Duvel 8.5% ale
(From £1.67 in major supermarkets & off licences)Green and Blacks dark chocolate served with Bacchus (cherry fruit beer)
(£2.41 in Sainsbury’s)
Alcohol is so often paired with food because of its flavour enhancing qualities but the complex tastes and aromas of chocolate can make it a tricky one to match and this is where beer comes into its own. So next time you have a ‘moment on the lips’ I’d recommend you go the whole hog and pour yourself a refreshing pint!
We also tried our hand at making our own beer chocolate truffles but true to form I ended up eating most of the raw mixture and making a bit of a mess!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Fairtrade sales were up 12% in 2009 despite the tough economic climate
Fairtrade Chocolate
Posted: February 22nd, 2010 | Author: admin | Filed under: Printed Confectionery | Tags: Ethical |
Fairtrade sales were up 12% in 2009 despite the tough economic climate as shoppers increasingly turned to products approved by the only independent guarantee of a better deal for Third World producers.
Last year, sales of Fairtrade goods reached an estimated retail value of £799m and the Fairtrade Foundation also claims that 71% of people who do not already buy everything they can Fairtrade, are willing to swap one or more products during Fairtrade Fortnight which starts today. Although I don’t think even 5% of the population even know it is Fairtrade Fortnight.
Fairtrade products have found their way into the promotional product market too. If you want to market your businesses along especially ethical lines, then choosing Fairtrade promotional confectionery is a distinctive way to get your message across. Fairtrade promotional confectionery is only available from certain quality distributers, such as Gift Selection and Sweets2order. If you have any questions relating to any Fairtrade promotional confectionery, give their friendly sales team a call.
If your organisation did decide to swap their promotional confectionery for Fairtrade promotional confectionery, they would be following a trend from major chocolate suppliers. Last year, large brands that have switched to Fairtrade included Cadbury Dairy Milk, all Starbucks espresso-based coffee and Nestle’s four-finger Kit Kat. This week, Ben & Jerry’s ice cream announced that it is going 100% Fairtrade in the UK and throughout Europe by the end of 2011. While back last month, Green & Black’s switched its entire range of chocolate bars and beverages to 100% Fairtrade by the end of 2011.
Fairtrade sales were up 12% in 2009 despite the tough economic climate
Fairtrade Chocolate
Posted: February 22nd, 2010 | Author: admin | Filed under: Printed Confectionery | Tags: Ethical |
Fairtrade sales were up 12% in 2009 despite the tough economic climate as shoppers increasingly turned to products approved by the only independent guarantee of a better deal for Third World producers.
Last year, sales of Fairtrade goods reached an estimated retail value of £799m and the Fairtrade Foundation also claims that 71% of people who do not already buy everything they can Fairtrade, are willing to swap one or more products during Fairtrade Fortnight which starts today. Although I don’t think even 5% of the population even know it is Fairtrade Fortnight.
Fairtrade products have found their way into the promotional product market too. If you want to market your businesses along especially ethical lines, then choosing Fairtrade promotional confectionery is a distinctive way to get your message across. Fairtrade promotional confectionery is only available from certain quality distributers, such as Gift Selection and Sweets2order. If you have any questions relating to any Fairtrade promotional confectionery, give their friendly sales team a call.
If your organisation did decide to swap their promotional confectionery for Fairtrade promotional confectionery, they would be following a trend from major chocolate suppliers. Last year, large brands that have switched to Fairtrade included Cadbury Dairy Milk, all Starbucks espresso-based coffee and Nestle’s four-finger Kit Kat. This week, Ben & Jerry’s ice cream announced that it is going 100% Fairtrade in the UK and throughout Europe by the end of 2011. While back last month, Green & Black’s switched its entire range of chocolate bars and beverages to 100% Fairtrade by the end of 2011.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Is 85% dark chocolate enough to get the health benefits?
The dark chocolate bar health benefits start at 70% cocao. At 85%, it’s only has a little over a gram of sugar per square, and it’s my favorite kind. It’s so rich in flavor and nutrients that you can only eat a square or two a day. A consideration for chocolate loving diabetics.
Is 85% dark chocolate enough to get the health benefits?
The dark chocolate bar health benefits start at 70% cocao. At 85%, it’s only has a little over a gram of sugar per square, and it’s my favorite kind. It’s so rich in flavor and nutrients that you can only eat a square or two a day. A consideration for chocolate loving diabetics.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Roxanne Browning has shared: Cocoa Powder FAQ: Dutch -process & natural cocoa powder - David Lebovitz
From: Roxanne Browning <>
Date: Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 4:08 PM
Subject: Roxanne Browning has shared: Cocoa Powder FAQ: Dutch -process & natural cocoa powder - David Lebovitz
Cocoa Powder FAQ: Dutch-process & natural cocoa powder - David Lebovitz Source:
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Sunday, February 21, 2010
3 Ways to Get the Mediterranean Diet Into Your Life — Easily ...
The world-famous Mediterranean diet comes in a lot of forms. It was popularized by a diet book way back in the 70s (or at some point around then), and is still held up today — at least anecdotally — as one of the world’s best and most delicious diets.
You don’t have to follow one particular example of it, and really you don’t have to follow it at all, if you don’t want to, but being here in Malta and seeing directly how people eat so differently from North America has just made us want to write about it constantly. So we started thinking of three ways you can get some of the best things about the diet without upending everything about your current routine.
Savor Your Meat By Making it Scarce and Expensive.
When you have chicken or beef several times a week, you not only cease to make it a special meal, but you also simply eat it too much. If you steer your weekly meals around vegetables and grains, the few times you have meat, you’ll be able to enjoy it that much more often.
One of the best ways to do this? Buy better meat. Go out and buy some delicious, premium quality, grass-fed, beyond-organic steaks from your local butcher. Or get some really good prosciutto from the Italian shop and do something with that. Decide to spend some real money on meat, ignore the feedlot stuff, and watch as your financial commitment forces you to slow down and really enjoy the meat you’re eating.
Create Your Own Junk Food.
This is one of Michael Pollan’s new Food Rules, and it’s perfect, really. There’s no question that people following the Mediterranean diet eat what we might call “junk” food — you’ve got your potato chips, your french fries, your varieties of donuts.
Seriously, every European culture basically has a version of deep-fried dough with sugar on it that they trot out for the dozens of festivals celebrated each year, and these things all taste a bit different and are called a billion different things and are fundamentally bad for you in terms of the amount of fat & sugar in them, but hey — they’re homemade, they actually spoil, and they take work to prepare, so you can’t just sit there, sucking them back on a daily basis.
Make a Pledge to the Good Fats
North Americans eat way too much “vegetable oil”. Most of it is inserted/injected into products and we don’t really find out what kind of vegetable is providing this oil. Could be corn, could be something else. Lord knows it’s not extra virgin olive-oil, as anyone using that on the label will trumpet it loud and clear, and it’ll be reflected in the price.
But here’s the thing: good quality olive oil isn’t that much more expensive outside of Italy or elsewhere. So much of it is exported that the prices are down, and it’s not hard to find it at a slight premium. Take a little vow — if you’re going to eat “vegetable oil”, make sure it’s only olive oil.
Why These Little Restrictions Are Easier to Do
It’s a lot easier to explain to someone that you’ve “decided to cut out X” or “are eliminating Y” from your diet, than to announce a whole-scale change in every last thing you eat. We try and cut out fats or cut down on carbs all the time — why not pick an ingredient or two instead? It’s kinda fun, restricting yourself like this, and watching the changes that result.
Pick a “meat night”, announce you only eat junk food you make from scratch, or skip 100% of the foods that have just “vegetable oil” on them. With little steps like these, you’ll be on your way to eating better in no time.
Mediterranean Readers — Over to You!
We’ve got a lot of readers from all around the Mediterranean and beyond — so tell us: what are your favorite things about your own diet? Or if you’ve visited or stayed in Spain, Italy, Greece, and so on — what did you notice the most about eating habits there?
3 Ways to Get the Mediterranean Diet Into Your Life — Easily ...
The world-famous Mediterranean diet comes in a lot of forms. It was popularized by a diet book way back in the 70s (or at some point around then), and is still held up today — at least anecdotally — as one of the world’s best and most delicious diets.
You don’t have to follow one particular example of it, and really you don’t have to follow it at all, if you don’t want to, but being here in Malta and seeing directly how people eat so differently from North America has just made us want to write about it constantly. So we started thinking of three ways you can get some of the best things about the diet without upending everything about your current routine.
Savor Your Meat By Making it Scarce and Expensive.
When you have chicken or beef several times a week, you not only cease to make it a special meal, but you also simply eat it too much. If you steer your weekly meals around vegetables and grains, the few times you have meat, you’ll be able to enjoy it that much more often.
One of the best ways to do this? Buy better meat. Go out and buy some delicious, premium quality, grass-fed, beyond-organic steaks from your local butcher. Or get some really good prosciutto from the Italian shop and do something with that. Decide to spend some real money on meat, ignore the feedlot stuff, and watch as your financial commitment forces you to slow down and really enjoy the meat you’re eating.
Create Your Own Junk Food.
This is one of Michael Pollan’s new Food Rules, and it’s perfect, really. There’s no question that people following the Mediterranean diet eat what we might call “junk” food — you’ve got your potato chips, your french fries, your varieties of donuts.
Seriously, every European culture basically has a version of deep-fried dough with sugar on it that they trot out for the dozens of festivals celebrated each year, and these things all taste a bit different and are called a billion different things and are fundamentally bad for you in terms of the amount of fat & sugar in them, but hey — they’re homemade, they actually spoil, and they take work to prepare, so you can’t just sit there, sucking them back on a daily basis.
Make a Pledge to the Good Fats
North Americans eat way too much “vegetable oil”. Most of it is inserted/injected into products and we don’t really find out what kind of vegetable is providing this oil. Could be corn, could be something else. Lord knows it’s not extra virgin olive-oil, as anyone using that on the label will trumpet it loud and clear, and it’ll be reflected in the price.
But here’s the thing: good quality olive oil isn’t that much more expensive outside of Italy or elsewhere. So much of it is exported that the prices are down, and it’s not hard to find it at a slight premium. Take a little vow — if you’re going to eat “vegetable oil”, make sure it’s only olive oil.
Why These Little Restrictions Are Easier to Do
It’s a lot easier to explain to someone that you’ve “decided to cut out X” or “are eliminating Y” from your diet, than to announce a whole-scale change in every last thing you eat. We try and cut out fats or cut down on carbs all the time — why not pick an ingredient or two instead? It’s kinda fun, restricting yourself like this, and watching the changes that result.
Pick a “meat night”, announce you only eat junk food you make from scratch, or skip 100% of the foods that have just “vegetable oil” on them. With little steps like these, you’ll be on your way to eating better in no time.
Mediterranean Readers — Over to You!
We’ve got a lot of readers from all around the Mediterranean and beyond — so tell us: what are your favorite things about your own diet? Or if you’ve visited or stayed in Spain, Italy, Greece, and so on — what did you notice the most about eating habits there?